Friday, August 28, 2009


Okay, I have been thinking about this since last night and I've been slightly creeped out, so I thought I'd share with you all and see what your thoughts were. I talked to Dad last night and I asked if Uncle Jim was coming to town next weekend. Dad assured me he was and I asked if he was going to stay for longer than the weekend, but Dad didn't know. He did know this. Uncle Jim is bringing over coffins. Yes, you read that right. He is bringing coffins. I guess there is a guy in John Day that makes coffins and he has made one for each Grammie and Pa. He is bringing the coffins over and storing them in the basement!! I think this is morbid. Who wants their coffin to be stored in their house? I for one will not be entering the basement anytime soon! It's a good thing I moved out.


  1. Didn't Pa request this? Dunno for sure, but I remember hearing something about this a few months ago. Could certainly be wrong, though....I'm not exactly in the loop.

  2. Well, if they were requested then great. I'm glad they can be given a say in this. I was just afraid they didn't know what was happening and it was all just "taking place."

  3. Still, it is kind of odd to house your final-resting-case in your own basement.
