Thursday, April 29, 2010

You know you're old when...(part 2)

I was sitting in 8th grade Health class last Friday and we were talking about mental health. The teacher was describing depression and stress to the students. I was thinking that I could teach that unit when all of a sudden the topic changed. On the power point the teacher had given a written stress and she had a clip art of a man freaking out over his computer and Y2K. One student raised their hand and asked, "What is Y2K?" The teacher stopped for a moment and said, "That's right you would have been 3 or 4 at the time." She then went on to explain how people reacted at the end of 1999. I just sat there because it seemed like just yesterday and these kids didn't even remember it. One finally said they thought it sounded sort of familiar.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Single Life

I thought I would let you in to my life as a single 30 yr. old. The conversations I have with people can be quite amusing.

Tuesday - I was at Pa and Grammie's. I told Pa I would be back on Friday and he wanted to know why I wasn't coming Wed. I told him I had an event that I was going to. (I was attending the Women's Program at church.)
He said, "I hope you're going on a date."
I said, "Not really. I'll be with 300 women."
"When are you going to get married?"
"Not this week and next week isn't looking too good either." I replied.
He said, "You need a fellar."
"I do?"
"Yes, you need a fellar."
AJ was standing in the sun room shaking her had at that.
Now before I used to get angry because I was assuming he wanted me to get married because I needed someone to support me. Know I realize he wants me to get married because he loves Grammie so much and he wants the same for me. All I can do is smile.

Wednesday - I went to the Women's Program. This time all the table hostesses had to bring a cake stand, knife, and server. Now, I don't own a cake stand. I usually bake a cake in a 9x13 pan and serve it from the pan. (Thanks Mom.) AJ had a cake pan and graciously let me borrow it. When I got to the church and talked to the lady in charge of table hostesses I told her that it had been quite difficult to find a cake stand.
She said, "Well, those are the kinds of things you put on your wedding registry. Make sure you get the one with the dome to protect your food."
I said, "Can I put a husband on the registry because I'm not getting married anytime soon."
She said, "That's what E-Harmony and all the other online dating services are for, so you can find a husband."

Oh honestly. I guess I should have taken my Dad up on his offer when he said that I could have a subscription to E-Harmony for my 29th birthday. I felt rather insulted, but maybe now I'd have a husband!!!
I've decided that if I'm not married by my 33rd birthday I'll just sign up for a registry and get all the cool gadgets. Maybe by that time I'll have a place to store them and a use for them. :-)

Monday, April 19, 2010

You know you're old when... say something and sound just like your parents. I had this experience last Thursday and it reminded me that I sound like my mother and I'm not getting any younger. I was in 8th grade Science class and two girls were showing me their new jeans. Now the jeans had holes in them from the top to their knees. They were very excited they had the same pair and told me they had paid $30 for them. I said, "You paid $30 for a new pair of jeans that already had holes in them?" One girl laughed and said, "You sound just like my dad and grandparents." I said, "Well, I'm almost old enough to be your parent." She didn't really believe me, but it's true.

I had a less enlightening conversation with a person who wanted to know if my corn allergy was real. I said that it absolutely was real and I felt the effects. I was then told that even if it was all in my head that was ok because placebos work too. Honestly I wanted to punch the person in the face. They shall remain nameless.

On a happy note: I found potatoes chips today that I can eat. I didn't buy any because I bought pita chips yesterday, but I was ecstatic to learn that the Kettle brand uses Sunflower oil and not Corn oil.