Friday, May 27, 2011

3 Years

On May 15, 2008 Grammie was taken to the hospital. She was close to dying and to the hospital she went. The doctor drained fluid off her lungs and said she was as good as new. Five days later she was brought home to a hospital bed in her sun room and she's been there ever since. This week I asked her about polishing the silver and she said, "I have no ambition."

I thought I could list some of the things that I've done or experienced in these past 3 years.
~Stopped working at Franklin because the building closed
~Started working at a junior high in Special Ed.
~Sewed 30+ quilts
~Read 4 Harry Potter books out loud to Grammie
~Spent lots of time at Grammie's (some with laughter and some with tears)
~Finished my first crossword puzzle (back when Grammie could give me the answers to 1/2
the questions)
~Gained more control of my headaches
~Learned I can't eat wheat/gluten or corn
~Learned how to bake bread
~Learned how to make most of my food
~Left the junior high and moved back down to elementary
~Decided to get my teacher certification
~Walked a 1/2 marathon (13/1 miles)
~Went to Portland for a couple of days
~Spent lots of time in Denver
~Went to Michigan to ride the boat one last time
~Watched Audie graduate with a Masters
~Watched Eli and Spencer graduate from high school
~Moved into my own apartment

These are things I can think of off the top of my head. What have you done is the past couple of years?

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I Did It

In the last 2 1/2 weeks I have accomplished two huge things that I was working toward. On April 29th, I went and took the 1st of three tests to become a teacher. God started working on my heart right before Christmas and after researching the best program, I enrolled in the ABCTE program. This program is for people who have a college degree and have been in the professional world. The studying is all done online and there are no classes or papers. I just study for the test and take it. After much prayer and discussion with others, I have chosen to be certified in K-8 regular Ed. and K-12 Special Ed. I may eventually go back and get a Reading Endorsement or Early Childhood, but that's in the future. The first test that I took was the multiple subject test consisting of Reading, Math, History, and Science. I will start studying for the Professional test next week if all goes well.

The past Sat. on the 14th, I finally completed my 1/2 marathon. That is 13.1 miles. I walked with two teachers from school and we had a great time. The weather was perfect and it is great to say that I have walked from the Reservoir to Ann Morrison park. During the walk I was telling myself that people who do this regularly are crazy. When Mon. rolled around, the three of us decided we will train for the one next year and beat our time. This time we made the walk in 3 hrs and 54 min. We can definitely beat that next year, especially if we train.