Thursday, November 11, 2010

My Backpack

I take a backpack to work for the ease of things. It is easier than carrying my water bottle, purse, lunch bag, and calendar to make plans. I do have to say that my bag is getting full of extra stuff and I wanted to share with you what is in it.

1 Planner
House keys
Car key
1 Acorn (supposed to be for Grammie, now in trash)
Eye drops
Little bottle of Lotion
1 Water cycle Bracelet
Blood work write up for insurance
Brochure for insurance
Bottle of Peppermint oil
Note for a good book (trash)
Kleenex (in abundance) [from working the election]
1 Small box of Jaw Breaker candy
1 mini pen
Throat Drops
Granola bar
Package of gum
Deck of playing cards? ( Never know when you'll need them) :-)
Medicine for headaches
Baggage claim ticket from trip to Denver in Aug. (trash)
Red Ribbon from Red Ribbon week
Dental Floss
School ID badge
Badge for athletic events
1 Box top
1 ticket from the Chicago Cubs game in Aug.
1 headset wire for my phone

Just think, I haven't even touched my purse yet.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


This week I have been looking for some good gluten free recipes online. I would like to do some holiday baking, but it seems a little challenging. I have thought about using a flour blend and substituting it into regular recipes, but who knows how they will turn out. I am so grateful for the internet and the ability to look for things that other people have had the time and money to experiment with.
Here is the list of foods I have found this week that I will be trying in the future:
Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies
Cinnamon Rolls
Dinner Rolls (especially for Thanksgiving and Christmas)
Flour Tortillas (the recipe said that these were quick and easy) [I always have to double the prep time]
Herb & Garlic Breadsticks
Pumpkin Bread
Pumpkin Cookies