Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Grammie was on a roll

I went to visit Grammie and Pa today.  I said hi to Grammie and she looked at me and said, "I love you."  How precious.  Then Maritza was being funny and I asked Grammie if we should keep her.  She said, "Hopefully."  Maritza thought that was funny.  Grammie and I worked on the crossword puzzle for quite awhile before things turned interesting.  Someone was helping Pa and commented how tall he was.  She asked him if he had ever played basketball.  He said no.  I told Grammie and she said, "No he didn't like the game."  AJ mentioned that Grammie's sister Blanche had played so I asked Grammie about it.
Me: "Grammie, did Blanche play basketball?"
Grammie: "Yes, she did."
Me: "Was she any good?"
Grammie: "You'll have to ask her."
Me: "I've never met Blanche."
(A couple of seconds go by.)
Me: "I'm sorry to have missed Blanche."
Grammie: "She's not sorry to have missed you."
Me: "That's not very kind."
Grammie: "Kindness is out the door."
(At this, I laid my head on the table and started laughing.  Maritza was also laughing and didn't quite know what to think.)
Grammie: "I'm just telling the truth."
Me: "Yes, it's very important to tell the truth."
(A couple of seconds go by.)
Grammie: "Have you ever known someone not to tell you the truth?"
Me: "I hope everyone tells the truth.  It's very important."
Grammie: "Yes, it is."

At this, the conversation was over.