Saturday, July 16, 2011

Honestly! I Know Better

I have just been sewing for 45-60. I have been chain sewing (not cutting each time you finish a piece.) I cut 2 of the chain sewn piece apart to sew them together and discovered that my bobbin tension is off. Not only on those 2 pieces, but EVERYTHING I've sewed in the last hour. I could scream. I really need a new machine. I've priced them out and know exactly what I want. However, I'm not buying it until I have the cash and that will be next Feb or March. In the meantime; I need to do what I've been telling myself and that is checking the pieces as I sew and not assuming everything is working out fine.

Thursday, July 7, 2011


After emailing my doctor and talking to Mom and Dennis, I've come to some decisions about the food issue. I will be cutting out dairy. The yeast is going to stay because as the doctor said, it would be very difficult to cut that out and there aren't any issues in my body to suggest I need to cut it out. The sugar will also stay. The doctor says to cut dairy for 6 months and see how I'm doing. I have felt a lot better when I'm not consuming dairy, so we'll see. Thanks for all your support.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Food testing

I had a food test done about 2 weeks ago. I went to the lab and had blood drawn, then I sent the blood to Seattle. The results came to me in the mail today.
Corn and wheat didn't show up on the test because it hasn't been in my system. So, they stay out of my diet. I know get to remove all dairy from my diet and I can have yeast and cane sugar every 4th day. I'll keep you updated. Right now I'm too overwhelmed to say much more. I just want to cry a lot. I have found out that Kosher food is OK.