Friday, November 27, 2009

Black Friday

The sound of the alarm at 4:00 AM this morning was enough to make me want to wonder why I had decided to go shopping this morning. But, I got up, showered and was at Target by 4:45. The line for Target wound around the front of the building, down the side, and continued around the back. Luckily, I was at the back corner. :-) After waiting in line for 15 minutes to get in, my faithful sidekick Rachel showed up. We hustled inside and found what we were looking for: pajamas, vest, and a game. Then we headed for the checkout. Little did we know that we would stand in line for the checkout for the next hour 1/2. Oh yes, you read that correctly. For some weird reason there were three lines and we happened to stand in the non-moving one. After Target Rachel went home and I went over to Jo-Ann's. They had flannel on sale for $1.60 yd. I got enough to make 5 pillowcases. Jo-Ann's only took 1 hour and 15 min. because they had an express line for cuts if you had 3 or less. Luckily I did because I would have left due to the fact that they called number 28 when I pulled 98 out of the machine. :-) After Jo-Ann's I ran into Barnes and Nobles and was in and out in 15 min. All of this shopping and I deserved breakfast. So, I got breakfast and was home by 8:45. Four hours of shopping and 7 people are crossed off my list. I think it's time for a nap.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Alphabet of Blessings

I have decided that since it's Thanksgiving I would write out the things I'm thankful for. I challenge you to do the same.

A-Audie, Ashley
B- Black family
C- Chaffee family, Church family
D- Dad, Dennis
E- Elijah
F- Friends, food
G- Grandparents (all four sets), God
H- Health, house
I- Insurance
J- Job, Janice, Jessica
K- kids at school who make me laugh
L- Laughter
M- Mom, Misti, Maritza
N- Nick
O- Opportunities
P- Parents, Phillips family
Q- Quilts made with love
R- Rachel
S- Smith family, Spencer, sleep without meds
T- Teed family
U- Unconditional love
V- very skilled doctors who have helped me along my journey
W- Ward family (Jack, Michelle, Grandma Fran) W. family (Koleen, Brad, Elyse, Jackson)
X- eXellent people in my life
Y- Yards of fabric to make my quilts
Z- Zarbnisky family (Julia, Darin, Alexa)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Grammie's good day

Grammie was in such a wonderful mood yesterday. After not really talking for almost 2 weeks, I was afraid I wasn't going to hear much from her again. However, yesterday she was as perky as could be. As soon as I walked in she said, "Your father is precious. He reminds me of my father." Now, I have to say that precious is not a word I use often when describing my dad, but I'm glad Grammie was glad to see him. I sat down to do the crossword, but it soon became obvious that it was too hard. So I said, "Why aren't we doing yesterday's puzzle since we have the answers?" That got a grin and an agreement. I got Tuesday's puzzle and we started right away. I read a clue about Veteran's Day and that reminded me to wish Grammie a Happy Veteran's Day. When I did she said, "Oh, I get the day off, don't I! By golly, I remember!" As if she hasn't had the last 18 months off. Oh well, she was estatic. I read a clue about John Steinbeck and asked about the title of one of his novels. Grammie knew the answer and then said, "Mother opened the kitchen stove and chucked them in." (Her mom had recieved two of Steinbeck's novels and "They were trashy"). Now I know where some of Grammie's attitude comes from. At this point I just read the clues to myself because Grammie was in her own world. She said that AJ had told her a funny story about Uncle Rich and his boot being blown over by the wind. Grammie kept laughing and laughing, but I never could get the whole story. After AJ came back she did tell the story and then it did make sense and I could see the humor. I did comment on the fact that next week I would be getting a new Almanac since the one we are using is 4 years old. Grammie was so excited. I told her it would be her birthday present and she thought that sounded fine. Then I was looking in the Almanac for a river in Scotland. It wasn't printed on the map, but I ran across the Thames River in England. (pronounced Times) I pronounced it and asked if I had said it correctly. Grammie said yes and I said good because I had been trying for a year and 1/2 to had pronounced it correctly. She said, "Why a year and 1/2." I said, "Well, that's how long I've been doing these crossword puzzles." She seemed satisfied by that. As I was getting ready to leave I wished Pa a Happy Veteran's Day. He said, "You know, Mom is too." I told him I had already wished her a Happy Vet's Day and that she said she was going to take the day off. He just laughed and laughed.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

crazy things

Okay, things have been a little crazy around here. I don't know why, but maybe it's just me. :-) I did laundry last Mon. night and when I went to put my socks away I was missing a tan sock. This made me sad because I like these socks and I knew I had checked both the washer and the dryer before leaving the laundromat. So, I put the lonely sock on top of my dresser hoping it's mate would show up in the sheets or something. When I folded the sheets, no sock. So there my little sock sat. Then I was watching football on Sun. and I look to the left of my TV. There is one box still left in my room and what was on top of that box? My sock! I had put it there to dry after the laundry. What a marvelous find.
Now, my alarm clock is a different story. No, I haven't lost it. Monday thru Friday the alarm is set for 5:30 AM. Last Fri. I didn't have school, so I set it for 7:00 to meet a friend. Guess what happened? The alarm went off at 5:30. On Sunday I set the alarm for 7:30 and it went off at 5:30. Now, I'm beginning to think this alarm is possessed. Doesn't it realize that not everyday is a 5:30 day.

Note to self: do not open a pomegranate when you are in a hurry or not wearing an apron. For those of you who have never opened a pomegranate it is an amazing experience. First, you cut off the top and juice flies everywhere (I mean it: there was some on the walls) Then you cut it into sections like an orange and pull the seeds out. (Now there is juice all over the counter and you) Last, enjoy!

Oh yes, why is it when you are not allowed to eat a certain food that is the only food commercials that are on TV? I mean really, what is up with the pizza commercials lately? So, after craving pizza for like the 8th week, I finally solved the problem. I found Rhodes bread dough in wheat and thawed them all day. Then tonight I topped them with sauce, pepperoni, and cheese. Definitely not as good as your average pizza, but they'll have to do for now.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Time to talk about Thanksgiving

Grammie always said that talk of Thanksgiving had to wait until after Halloween. Well, Halloween was last Saturday, so when I went to the house on Monday I was ready to talk about turkey. I told Grammie that Halloween had past and now that we were in November it was time to talk about Thanksgiving. First, I asked her if she was cooking the turkey. Her eyes got really big, but she didn't say anything. From the side chair, AJ reminded me that Uncle Jeff cooks the turkey. Then I told Grammie that she made really good orange rolls and we would let her just make those. Her eyes were still big, but she still didn't say anything. I reminded her that when Carmen and I made the rolls they didn't turn out nearly as well as her's. AJ said that Carmen wasn't going to be cooking rolls this year and I just looked at her. This wasn't the point of the conversation. Then, I told Grammie she could just make mashed potatoes, but I really preferred scalloped potatoes instead. At this point Grammie just closed her eyes and turned her head to signal the conversation was over. Well, at least I tried and she knows that Thanksgiving is coming. I'll keep talking to her about it.

Today I went over to Grammie and Pa's. Pa had a cold, so he was sitting at the kitchen table reading a book with a box of kleenex near him. Grammie and I attempted the puzzle, but after awhile Grammie said I should get AJ because she would know the answers. Grammie did remember that the Wizard of Oz had come out while she was in high school. She was so excited about that and that she remember it.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

fun foods

Okay, you may get sick of hearing about the foods I find, but you don't have to read the posts. :-) On Tuesday I ate a pomegranate for the first time. It was good. I didn't know what to expect, but I didn't expect the tangy/tart flavor. That is going to be my fruit for Nov. and Dec. now that I know I like them. Yesterday I saw at Costco that they are selling dark chocolate covered pomegranates. I think I'll have to go back and get a back for a wonderful treat! Today I really wanted fish and I found a fish breaded with whole wheat at Winco. I was so excited. I also discovered that Costco's organic animal crackers are made with whole wheat. Having to watch everything I eat and read labels has really made me appreciate people that have serious food allergies. I can't image not being able to eat any wheat. I'm very grateful my body allows the consumption of whole wheat.

Books I've read lately:
Strength in What Remains by Tracy Kidder is about a young man who escapes the genocide of Burundi and comes to New York city with $200 in his pocket. This amazing book looks at the young man's life here in America and back in Burundi and Rawanda.